A hobby, and a career.
I am currently an industrial engineer at The Boeing Company. I thoroughly enjoy the field I am in, but sometimes I need a creative outlet. Photography provides me that peace. I picked up a camera over 10 years ago and fell in love. Throughout this time, I have worked with some amazing businesses and people. These experiences have provided me with memories I will never forget.
The following are previous clients, in no particular order:
Highline Autos Magazine, Radford Racing School, Creative Bespoke, Mclaren, Gabriel’s Angels, Tempe Collision Center, Launch Auto Sports, Vorsteiner, Gunther Works, Brixton Forged Wheels Company, MV Forged Wheel Company, Strasse Wheel Company, Ferrada Wheel Company, Hugh O’Brian Youth Leadership, Veritas Global Protection, Warner and Angle Law Firm, ASU Foundation, and many more.